I placed this class of Guernsey cows B-D-A-C. B sorts herself to the top of this class because of her overall balance, style, dairy strength, and superior mammary system. B places over D because she shows more bloom to her mammary system and is higher and wider with a more correct turn at the top of her rear udder. She also has a distinct advantage in balance and symmetry of her udder, criticizing D for being light on her right side. I would grant D is wider through her rump and has a stronger pastern.
D places over A because of her definite advantage in dairy strength, being longer in the neck, sharper at the point of withers, flatter in her bone, and cleaner thigh. D also has a more correct rear leg, being stronger in her pastern and deeper in her heel. I would grant A shows more balance of udder.
A places over C because of her overall dairy strength. A is wider through her chest, stronger in her heart with more capacity, being deeper ribbed and more depth of barrel. A also shows more bloom to her udder. I would grant C shows more dairyness and is cleaner throughout. C places last due to her udder being very narrow through her rear udder with a lack of defined crease.
About the Judge . . Jim Meyer