International Protein Sires (IPS) has set a course for high quality Jersey genetics. As a result of the August sire summaries, three polled Jersey sires emerged as breed leaders. “The August proofs strengthened our Jersey sire lineup. As a result of Jersey breeders requesting more and better polled options, we located these outstanding bulls. Subsequently, the polled bulls have become our headliners. The IPS Jersey sires were selected for their superior performance and durable conformation. We’re confident these selection criteria will satisfy the most discriminate dairymen using Jersey genetics,” noted Ron Sersland, President and CEO of IPS.
566JE109 NIGEL-PP is a leading homozygous polled bull in the Jersey breed +133 JPI which makes him the #2JPI PP Jersey bull. His production is notable at +802 lbs. milk with excellent component test. An A2A2 sire, NIGEL-PP is plus across the board for conformation; +1.30 type and +11.8 JUI. His health traits are commendable with a +4.1 productive life rating and +437 NM$. NIGEL-PP is sired by Listowel-P from a promising Very Good classified daughter of Dillan-P. And, his maternal line is loaded with high components, both fat and protein.
566JE108 OSCAR-P is another breed leading polled Jersey sire at +132 JPI. His JUI of +29.7 ranks him #2 among all polled bulls in the breed. And, his substantial type score of +2.00 should not be missed. Additionally, OSCAR-P excels in components; +60 lbs. fat (+.25%) and +22 lbs. protein (+.07%). This polled genetic leader is also +444 NM$. OSCAR-P is from an Excellent-93 daughter of Mik-P and sired by Craze.
Rounding out the polled trifecta at IPS is 566JE106 PHAROAH-P at +110 JPI. PHAROAH-P is notable for JUI at +18.3 and type at +1.30. A solid production bull, PHAROAH-P is +504 lbs. milk. And he is a leader among polled Jerseys for livability and productive life; +2.5 LIV and +3.4 PL. An A2A2 sire, this eye popping bull is aAa: 456; an excellent source of strength with a wonderful will to milk. As the name implies, PHAROAH-P is sired by Pharoah while his dam is a VG-83 classified daughter of Oliver-P.
Stabled with these breed leading polled Jerseys is 566JE104 CUATRO at +121 JPI. CUATRO has a sterling udder rating of +35.0 JUI with a #9 Breed ranking. And his excellent type rating follows at +2.10 and ranks him #8 in the breed. Need a component boost, count on CUATRO; +.15% butterfat and +.09% protein. His reliable components are inherited from a pedigree packed with superior test. Health traits are also creditable at +3.8 PL and +1.1 LIV. CUATRO is sired by Kwynn from a VG-86 Lexicon daughter.
The IPS Jersey sire lineup is loaded with breed improvers, sires that assure a balance of superior performance from durable conformation. IPS semen is available through company employees or a network of independent distributors located around the world. Located in Rock Springs, Wisconsin, you may learn more about IPS through their website, www.ipssires.com or by calling toll free: 1.800.542.7593