Today, Secretary-designee Brad Pfaff of the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) announced that the agency has decided not to bring ATCP 51, its proposed updates to the state’s livestock siting regulations, to the DATCP Board for a final vote.
“Agriculture is part of our state’s heritage, and it’s part of my own personal heritage as well. I’ve been extremely proud of the time and effort our department has put in as we listened intently to input from the public and industry stakeholders on this rule. The DATCP Board has also showed strong interest in this topic, and we appreciate their willingness to move ahead on the public engagement process,” said Pfaff. “Since holding public hearings earlier this year, the department has held ongoing, constructive meetings with stakeholders on this complex rule. Given the tremendous importance of our dairy and livestock industries to the state of Wisconsin, we’ve decided to take more time to continue these discussions.”
The administrative rule sets standards and procedures that local governments must follow if they choose to require permits for new or expanding livestock operations. DATCP is required to review this rule every four years. Technical committees have undertaken this review in 2010, 2014, and 2018. The current proposal includes changes recommended following the 2014 review that were confirmed by the 2018 committee. Prior to this proposal, there have been no updates to ATCP 51 since its adoption in 2006.
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