The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman. 

For the 5th year in a row, the University of Minnesota placed 1st overall in the collegiate dairy cattle judging contest held on November 10 at the North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE), Louisville, KY. The margin of victory was 28 points over 2nd place Oklahoma State. Sixteen 4-year universities competed in the contest. University of Minnesota teams have placed 1st overall in the Louisville contest in 8 of the past 10 years.
In addition to placing 1st overall, the University of Minnesota team was 1st in oral reasons by an 18-point margin and 1st in the Jersey breed. Team members were Emily Annexstad, St. Peter, MN; Eva Doornink, Baldwin, WI; Sierra Swanson, Hutchinson, MN; and Kaleb Kruse, Dyersville, IA.

First-place collegiate team from the University of Minnesota in the dairy cattle judging contest at NAILE, Louisville, KY (l. to r.): Kaleb Kruse, Dyersville, IA; Sierra Swanson, Hutchinson, MN; Emily Annexstad, St. Peter, MN; Eva Doornink, Baldwin, WI; and Dr. Les Hansen, coach.
Individually, Annexstad was 1st overall (by a 12-point margin), 1st in oral reasons, and 1st in Holstein. Doornink was 8th overall, 3rd in oral reasons, 1st in Jersey, and 3rd in Brown Swiss. Swanson was 10th overall, 2nd in oral reasons, and 4th in Jersey. Coaches were Dr. Les Hansen, Alicia Thurk Hiebert, Eric Houdek, and Gabriella Sorg.
Team ranking: 1. University of Minnesota, 2. Oklahoma State, 3. Ohio State, 4. UW-Madison, 5. Penn State, 6. UW-River Falls, 7. Purdue, 8. Iowa State, 9. Tarleton State, 10. Michigan State, 11. University of Georgia, 12. Cal Poly, 13. South Dakota State, 14. North Dakota State, 15. Colorado State, 16. West Virginia.