Natalie Vernon from Wayne County was crowned the 2020-2021 New York State Dairy Princess on February 18, at the Holiday Inn in Liverpool, New York. Selected from among 22 county dairy princesses who have served since the spring of 2019, Vernon will devote an additional year to promoting milk and dairy products with American Dairy Association North East (ADA North East).
As state princess, she receives a $1,200 scholarship and will serve as a dairy industry ambassador to promote dairy to consumers by supporting ADA North East strategies with the goal of building consumer confidence in dairy farmers and dairy products. She will also play an integral role in developing and mentoring new county dairy princesses to fulfill the same mission.
Rachel Rouland from Monroe County was named first Alternate State Princess, and Erin Armitage from Washington County was selected as second Alternate State Princess. They receive a $700 scholarship and $600 scholarship, respectively. Both young women will assist the New York State Dairy Princess with training, appearances and other duties.
The competition included a personal interview, impromptu questions, a prepared adult speech, a product knowledge exam, writing skills test, and informal interaction with others. Judges evaluated the contestants on their communication skills, knowledge of the dairy industry, poise and personality.
Pageant judges were: Holly Pullis, Hollywood Enterprizes & Roedale Farm; Tracy Smith, Warren County, New Jersey, Dairy Princess Coordinator from So-N-So Acres Family Farm; and Mike Weimer, Holstein Association USA Classifier.
Sponsored by ADA North East, the 57th annual coronation completed the yearlong reign of Reegan Domagala of Lewis County.
About American Dairy Association North East

American Dairy Association North East (ADA North East) is the dairy farmer-funded organization funded by participating dairy farmer’s checkoff investment to build demand and sales for milk and dairy foods throughout the local region. Representing more than 10,000 dairy farm families in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and northern Virginia, ADA North East develops and implements local programs to drive milk and dairy sales at retail outlets and in schools. The organization also conducts consumer education about dairy through events, traditional and social media, and in collaboration with health professionals through National Dairy Council®. ADA North East works closely with Dairy Management Inc.™, the national dairy checkoff organization, to support nutrition research, national partnerships and developing export markets for dairy to bring a fully integrated promotion program to the region. For more information, visit www.AmericanDairy.com.