In conjunction with Agriculture Modeling and Training Systems’ (AMTS) The Nutritionist webinar series, the Canola Council of Canada is offering a series of three webinars demonstrating the use and versatility of canola meal as a protein source for lactating dairy cows.
The inaugural presentation on March 31 at 9 a.m. EDT will be An Interview with Daniel Scothorn, featuring a Q&A on formulation techniques and balancing diets for amino acids. Daniel Scothorn, Scothorn Nutrition, is an internationally recognized dairy on-farm consultant and mentor with a practical approach to nutritional management.
The second webinar will be held on April 25 with Dr. Antonio Faciola, University of Florida. Dr. Faciola will review his extensive recent research findings comparing canola meal with soybean meal and present suggestions for formulating diets with canola meal.
The final webinar, occurring late spring, will showcase the early lactation protein feeding studies that are being conducted by Dr. Kenneth Kalscheur of the Dairy Forage Research Center in Madison, Wisconsin.
Anyone interested in attending the webinar featuring Daniel Scothorn on March 31 at 9 a.m. EDT, must sign up using this link. There is no cost to attend.
About canola meal and Canolamazing
Canola meal is a coproduct of canola oilseed processing. With its high protein content, canola meal is often used as a protein supplement for dairy rations. The ingredient provides an amino acid profile that is more similar to animal proteins than other vegetable proteins, and as such is an efficient source of amino acids for lactation and growth. Canolamazing.com provides the latest research findings, accurate feeding values for canola meal, as well as the popular 2019 Canola Meal Dairy Feed Guide.
About AMTS
AMTS provides industry leading ration formulation software based on CNCPS technology. Helping nutritionists implement the latest nutritional findings, AMTS also hosts The Nutritionist webinar series. Click here to view the webinar series.