Some Wisconsin dairy farmers have been asked by their processors to withhold delivery of milk, resulting in the need for milk or milk/manure mixtures to be applied to cropland. To help farmers who are—or may soon be—facing this situation, UW–Madison will host a free webinar on the topic, titled “Considerations for Landspreading Milk,” on Tuesday, Apr. 7 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Speakers will cover the reasons for milk surpluses at some dairy processing plants and future expectations; nutrient management as it relates to spreading of milk; handling and storage issues that should be considered for milk; and regulatory requirements for landspreading milk. The webinar is open to farmers, agronomists, agency personnel, and others who have an interest in the topic.
- Where are we now, and why we are here?, Mark Stephenson, UW–Madison Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Center for Dairy Profitability, and Division of Extension
- Nutrient availability, agronomics, and water quality issues associated with landspreading milk, Carrie Laboski, UW–Madison Department of Soil Science, and Division of Extension
- Applicable DATCP and DNR rules/regulations for landspreading milk, Aaron O’Rourke, Wisconsin DNR
- Managing milk in manure storage, handling, and treatment systems, Becky Larson, UW–Madison Department of Biological Systems Engineering, and Division of Extension
Attendees are asked to register at https://go.wisc.edu/6mca3r by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, Apr. 6. Connection information will be emailed before 9:30 a.m. on Apr. 7.
Please direct any questions to UW Nutrient and Pest Management Program Outreach Specialist Ashley Blackburn at aablackburn@wisc.edu.
This program is sponsored by University of Wisconsin–Madison, UW–Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, UW–Madison Division of Extension, and the UW Nutrient and Pest Management Program.