Learn the latest information in dairy nutrition and management by attending the virtual 2020 Four-State Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference on June 10. It will be the same program as in the past, but in a virtual setting. All presentations will be recorded and available to participants for 60 days after the conference.
A pre-conference symposium will focus on how amino acid balancing will improve cow performance. Johan Osorio, South Dakota State University, will cover amino acid balancing in transition cows. Mark Hanigan, professor of dairy science with Virginia Tech, will talk about important amino acids beyond just lysine and methionine. Milo Wiltbank, professor of dairy science with the University of Wisconsin, will be discussing the present reality and future prospects of functional amino acids, especially in reproduction.

The first Four-State session will focus on factors to improve animal health and performance. Nigel Cook, professor in food animal production medicine at the University of Wisconsin, will discuss practical steps to prevent lameness. Kevin Harvatine, associate professor of nutritional physiology with Penn State University, will examine how daily and seasonal rhythms impact cow performance and Mike Steele, professor at the Ontario Agricultural College, Department of Animal Biosciences, University of Guelph, will talk about nutritional regulation of gut health and development by colostrum and milk in calves.
The second session will focus on maximizing profit from bull calves. Dan Schaefer, professor in the Department of Animal Science at the University of Wisconsin, will teach participants how to realize the full value of Holstein and Holstein cross steers. Bill Munns, JBS USA, will discuss the science behind purebred Holstein beef and Chip Kemp, American Simmental Association, will cover how to use data to select profit focused beef bulls for a crossbreeding in Holstein herds.
Select breakout topics include:
- Barn design for automatic milking systems.
- Maximizing milk fat yield.
- Nutritional regulation of gut health and development, weaning and beyond.
- How to apply body condition score during transition to improve reproductive efficiency.
- Using MUN to manage protein feeding.
- Does feeding rumen protected amino acids during stress help?
- Clean feed: optimizing health and nutrition.
- Lessons learned from the 2019 growing season.
- Optimizing fertility using sexed semen.
For details and to register, visit fourstatedairy.org or contact Jim Salfer at salfe001@umn.edu, or 320-203-6093. The conference registration fee is $75.
This conference is a collaborative effort of Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, University of Illinois Extension, University of Minnesota Extension and University of Wisconsin-Extension.