The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman.

The National Milk Producers Federation thanked President Trump and Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue for providing additional support to dairy through its latest round of disaster assistance to agricultural producers, as well as Congress for providing the funding in the CARES Act in the spring.
“Federal dairy assistance has been critically needed as the nation’s dairy farmers face economic uncertainty and markets that remain anything but normal,” said Jim Mulhern, president and CEO of NMPF. “We look forward to learning more of the plan’s details to better understand how this will help producers who have been dealing with COVID-19 disruptions, challenges compounded in recent days by natural disasters.”
NMPF is activating its grassroots advocacy to assist in its efforts to meet dairy’s needs. More information on how to help can be found at NMPF’s new “Take Action” page. Additional resources to help the dairy community meet the coronavirus challenge can be found at NMPF has also launched a page to assist producers affected by natural disasters,