Nov. 22 2020 12:48 AM

    Six university students will win $2,500 awards

    The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman.

    Agricultural students in post-secondary education are eligible to compete for up to $15,000 in total scholarship awards through the Accelerating a Generation Syngenta Scholarship Program.

    Syngenta invites eligible university students to apply for six regional awards of $2,500 each, now offered in partnership with the National FFA Organization. Students can apply by visiting the FFA Scholarship Portal.

    “Agriculture thrives by continually engaging passionate people and training them to lead our industry. We look forward to hearing about what drives the passion of our applicants and how they plan to inspire others to establish roots in the ag industry,” said Vern Hawkins, Syngenta regional director, North American Crop Protection.

    University students and incoming freshmen pursuing bachelor’s or associate degrees in crop-related agricultural disciplines are eligible to compete for the Syngenta scholarships. Applicants must be U.S. residents enrolled as of fall 2021 in an accredited agriculture program at a land-grant university. FFA membership is not required.

    “During this challenging time, supporting our future ag leaders is essential to our industry’s continued advancement. We encourage all eligible students to apply for the scholarship,” said Pam Caraway, communications manager at Syngenta.

    Syngenta will grant scholarships to winners in six regions of the country, which include all U.S. states and territories and the District of Columbia. Scholarship recipients will be announced in spring 2021. Each winner will have the opportunity to designate an agriculture-related non-profit organization to receive a $500 donation from Syngenta.

    FFA-member entrants will have one additional week beyond the application deadline to turn in supplemental FFA materials. For more information about the scholarship, visit the FFA Scholarship Portal.

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