Feb. 7 2021 01:58 PM

    Dairy Management Inc. Shares 2020 Retail Sales Data for Six-State Region

    The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman.

    Retail sales for milk, cheese and yogurt in the American Dairy Association North East six-state region show year-end increases in 2020, based on IRi Data Reporting.

    “Sales increases in the most popular dairy categories – milk, cheese and yogurt – at the end of a year like 2020, show that families find these meal staples more important than ever,” said ADA North East CEO Rick Naczi. “Dairy checkoff is committed to working to keep these positive sales trends going into 2021.”

    Milk’s retail sales at the end of 2020 versus a year ago show a 2.8% increase– and hold 13% of the total U.S. share of retail fluid milk sales. Other year-end milk trends include:
    * Lactose free milk is up 17%
    * Omega-3 milk is up 15.4%
    * Refuel (chocolate milk) is up 12.6%
    * Whole milk is up 6.2%, outpacing lower fat milks
    * Whole milk is 41.2% of all milk sales
    * Gallon milk sales increased 3.7%
    Click here to read more milk sales data.

    Cheese retail sales in the region show a 14.7% increase at the end of 2020 versus a year ago. Local cheese sales hold 13.8% of the total U.S. share of retail sales. Other year-end trends include:
    * Natural cheese is up 14.4%
    * Regular fat cheese is 91.6% of category
    * Kosher, organic, sliced, shredded and round cheese lead category sales gains
    * Queso, Parmesan and Mozzarella varieties lead growth
    * Pepper flavors are up 12% with 2.2% of sales share

    Click here to read more cheese sales data.

    ADA North East has 16.8% of the total U.S. yogurt retail share, showing a 0.6% sales increase at the end of 2020.
    * Greek yogurt makes up 42.5% of all yogurt sales
    * Whole fat yogurt is up 1.3%
    * Low fat yogurt gained 2.8%
    * Flavors strawberry blend, vanilla and plain had largest sales gains, each more than 15%
    * Multi-serve containers of yogurt increased by 15.4%, and multi-pack by 2.6%

    Click here to read more yogurt sales data.

    Contact ADA North East at 315.472.9143 for more retail information.