The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman. 
Bruce Cottington “Friend of Dairy” - Minnesota Milk is also taking nominees for the Bruce Cottington Award. Each year a leader in the dairy community is selected as a “Friend of Dairy” in honor of Bruce Cottington. Select individuals fostered goals and ideals of Minnesota Milk through their own personal efforts. Additional criteria for the award included their involvement in Minnesota’s dairy industry, display of leadership, and community involvement. Nominations are due June 1, 2021 and can be submitted on the Minnesota Milk website at:
Scholarships - Finally, Minnesota Milk announces the 2021 Post-Secondary Scholarship program. Each year Minnesota Milk raises funds for the scholarship program through the auction, golf tournaments, and generous donations from their producer members. Since 2006, more than $103,000 has been awarded for the future of our dairy industry. Minnesota Milk will award up to 12-$1000 scholarships this year, with at least 2 of those scholarships preferred to students attending a 2-year program. To apply, students are must meet the criteria listed on the application and apply by June 1, 2021. Applications can be found online at

Do you know an outstanding dairy farm family, industry advocate or 2021-2022 college student? Minnesota Milk is seeking nominations for its Producer of the Year award, Bruce Cottington “Friend of Dairy” award and college scholarship program.
Producer of the Year - Dairy farms are scored on their leadership, community involvement, and ability to be a representative for the Minnesota dairy community. Nominations will be due June 1, 2021. To nominate a farm family, please go to the Minnesota Milk website: Producer of the Year Award winners receive: a video made of their family farm; paid attendance to annual meeting where the award will be presented; a scholarship to attend a leadership conference of their choosing ($1000 value); and a framed print ($500 value).Scholarships - Finally, Minnesota Milk announces the 2021 Post-Secondary Scholarship program. Each year Minnesota Milk raises funds for the scholarship program through the auction, golf tournaments, and generous donations from their producer members. Since 2006, more than $103,000 has been awarded for the future of our dairy industry. Minnesota Milk will award up to 12-$1000 scholarships this year, with at least 2 of those scholarships preferred to students attending a 2-year program. To apply, students are must meet the criteria listed on the application and apply by June 1, 2021. Applications can be found online at