A nice pair of cows starts out this class with D being flatter-boned and exhibiting more dairyness and femininity throughout. D is higher and wider at the top of her rear udder attachment, has more definition of seam, and has an overall more youthful mammary system. D also stands on a more correct set of feet and legs. I give B an advantage in being deeper in fore rib.
B’s combination of dairy strength and depth of body in both fore and rear rib places her over A. She has more width of chest floor. B also shows more bloom to the mammary system and is wider at the top of her rear udder than A. In addition, B is a larger cow with more size and scale than A. I grant A shows more quality to her mammary system.
In a close placing, A goes over C due to levelness of udder floor and the height and width of rear udder attachment. Additionally, I prefer the teat placement of A when viewed from the side. She also shows more dairy character and has a longer, cleaner neck than C. I grant C is a deeper-bodied cow than A but lacks the udder attachments to go any higher in the class.
About the Judge . . . Bill Taylor