The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman.IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. (NASDAQ: IDXX), a global leader in veterinary diagnostics, announces a new whole blood, on-farm, pregnancy test for bovine animals. The Alertys® OnFarm Pregnancy Test empowers cattle producers to find open, costly animals on their time with results within minutes to make management decisions.
Many farms are located in rural areas where access to a veterinarian can be limited. The Alertys OnFarm Pregnancy Test offers farmers and ranchers the opportunity to take control of their reproduction program. Improve calving intervals through earlier testing, and more regular checking of females that are suspect will each increase herd profitability and productivity. Additionally, more emphasis is being placed on improving worker and veterinarian safety with this efficient and easy-to-use test. The Alertys OnFarm Pregnancy Test is simple to use, requires minimal training, and produces efficient and accurate results animal side.
It’s time to pregnancy test on your schedule.
People are talking:
“The Alertys OnFarm Pregnancy Test has the opportunity to completely change the industry,” says Dr. Les Anderson of the University of Kentucky.
“The Alertys OnFarm Pregnancy Test for us has been an unbelievable time-saver because we can do it whenever we want,” says Phil Trowbridge of Trowbridge Angus in Ghent, New York.
Quick information about The Alertys OnFarm Pregnancy Test:
- Reduces animal handling and stress
- Whole blood (EDTA) sampling so no equipment needed
- Results in minutes with pregnant results as soon as 5 minutes
- Find open animals early with 99.7% accuracy
Alerty’s OnFarm Pregnancy Test is available to purchase nationwide at many local animal health distributors. View the list for more information.
IDEXX has been offering bovine pregnancy diagnostic tests for over 10 years. The Alertys OnFarm Pregnancy Test is now the first on-farm test to provide quick chute-side results and is an excellent addition to the already successful Alertys® pregnancy tests that IDEXX offers: Alertys® Milk Pregnancy Test (for dairy producers), Alertys® Ruminant Pregnancy Test, and Alertys® Rapid Visual Pregnancy Test.
IDEXX Alertys pregnancy tests—what are they, and how do they work?
Alertys pregnancy tests are defined as sample-based pregnancy tests because they detect pregnancy using a sample of blood and/or milk. The Alertys tests detect pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAGs) produced in the cow's placenta. Only in the presence of a live embryo of a fetus will PAGs be produced.
About IDEXX Laboratories, Inc.
IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. is a member of the S&P 500® Index and is a leader in pet healthcare innovation, offering diagnostic and software products and services that deliver solutions and insights to practicing veterinarians around the world. IDEXX products enhance the ability of veterinarians to provide advanced medical care, improve staff efficiency and build more economically successful practices. IDEXX is also a worldwide leader in providing diagnostic tests and information for livestock and poultry and tests for the quality and safety of water and milk and point-of-care and laboratory diagnostics for human medicine. Headquartered in Maine, IDEXX employs approximately 9,800 people and offers products to customers in over 175 countries. For more information about IDEXX, visit: