Dec. 3 2021 10:55 AM

Taking Place Next Week: Register Today!

The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman.

"Net Zero" -- Making the Buzzword a Reality: What Does This Really Mean for the Dairy Industry?

Pushing farmers to do something; but exactly what should they do?

Hear from the Greenhouse Gas Expert Professor Frank Mitloehner, PhD, UC Davis, Department of Animal Science

Via Webinar

December 9th, 2021

12:00-1:30 CST/ 1:00-2:30 EST

If you already completed your registration- thank you! You only need to register once.


Scientific data is essential in order to develop sound solutions. Regrettably, farmers are being told they need to do something to reduce their GHG emissions sooner rather than later. However, with all of the different tentacles of companies, government entities, check-off partners in the dairy industry -- moving in all directions -- many farmers are wondering exactly what they need to do, and how much it will cost them to meet the dairy industry's Net Zero Initiative goal of being carbon-neutral or better by 2050.

During this webinar, Professor Frank Mitloehner will help farmers understand the moving parts and his suggestions on the best way to move forward when it seems like there is too much push and not enough knowledge to understand the right path forward.

· Welcome: Walt Moore, President, American Dairy Coalition

· Keynote Speaker: Frank Mitloehner, PhD, Professor and Air Quality Extension Specialist, UC Davis Department of Animal Science

· Federal Policy Update: Laurie Fischer, CEO, American Dairy Coalition