“Members participated in a robust virtual policy discussion last year, which led to an incredibly successful year,” said WFU President Darin Von Ruden. “We saw a lot of wins in the work that members designated as Special Orders of Business, particularly in addressing concentration in agriculture, climate change, meat processing infrastructure, and pandemic recovery. We hope to bring that same energy to this virtual convention as we set the course for a new year.”
WFU is holding two conventions in 2022 as the organization shifts to December conventions moving forward. Save the Date for the 92nd annual convention Dec. 9-11, 2022 at Chula Vista, Wisconsin Dells.
At the January convention, the organization will honor active members and the delegates will determine WFU's 2022 “Special Orders of Business,” items of utmost importance to the organization.
Current policy can be viewed at www.wisconsinfarmersunion.com/policy.
Attendees will also hear from long-time WFU member Patty Edelburg, who serves as vice president of the National Farmers Union. Edelburg, a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and a dairy farmer in central Wisconsin, previously served as the Wisconsin Farm Service Agency (FSA) state executive director. Hear about the latest happenings at NFU, including the recently launched Fairness for Farmers campaign.
Convention-goers are also encouraged to join in a quick tech tutorial and Farmers Union social hour Jan. 26th. Convention delegates will elect directors for the WFU Board, as well as two delegates to represent WFU at the National Farmers Union Convention Feb. 27 through March 3 in Denver, Colorado. Four board seats are up for election: District 3 (Chippewa, Clark, and Eau Claire Counties), District 5 (Crawford, Grant, Iowa, Rock, Green, Lafayette, Richland & Vernon Counties), District 8 (Brown, Calumet, Dodge, Door, Fond du Lac, Forest, Florence, Kewaunee, Langlade, Marinette, Manitowoc, Menominee, Milwaukee, Oconto, Outagamie, Ozaukee, Shawano, Sheboygan, Washington, Waukesha, and Winnebago Counties), and the At-large seat held by a member in any area of the state. Candidacy materials are due Jan. 14th.
Only registered delegates may vote on policy issues. To be a voting delegate, members must register by January 14th. Non-delegate registration is open through Jan. 29th. Register and learn more at www.wisconsinfarmersunion.com/convention.