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Join the Dairy Calf and Heifer Association (DCHA) for its next webinar – “Scours Prevention Starts with Colostrum” – set for May 5, at 2 p.m. Central time (U.S./Canada). Phillip Jardon, Elanco Animal Health dairy technical consultant, and David Prentice, Elanco Animal Health dairy technical consultant, are the presenters for this free, one-hour educational offering. This webinar will share some ideas on colostrum management and some common mistakes, as well as antibody production in colostrum.

DCHA has applied for Registry of Approved Continuing Education (RACE) credit and anticipate 1 credit available for this webinar.

If you are a DCHA member and cannot attend the live program, you may access the webinar through DCHA’s online Member Center. To access the webinar recording, DCHA members need to click the button below and enter their username and password.