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In Kuhl’s role, he provides strategic direction for PAF and the Progressive Agriculture Safety Day® (PAF Safety Day) program, which is recognized as the largest rural safety and health education program for children in North America. Leveraging more than two decades of diverse business experiences – and life experiences – Kuhl continuously strives to strengthen the culture of safety and health across communities, organizations and countries.
“Brian is a highly deserving ‘Leader in the Field’ for our journal,” said Mathew Keifer, MD, editor-in-chief. “He has ensured that the Progressive Agriculture Safety Day program is the largest and longest-running educational initiative of its kind.”
Originally developed after a series of stories in 1990 that profiled nearly 100 farm fatalities, many of whom involved children, PAF and its PAF Safety Day program has reached millions of individuals throughout North America. The Foundation and Program continue to evolve to meet the safety and health needs of youth in the agriculture industry and rural communities providing trusted resources and outcomes.
“My entire career has been focused on helping organizations remain relevant in their industries,” said Kuhl. “And the Progressive Agriculture Foundation is unique as its mission is directed toward a youth population not often targeted for rural, agriculture safety education.”
One of Kuhl’s greatest ongoing challenges is to remove barriers and make PAF’s programs even more accessible. In 2022, PAF introduced a new delivery mode to allow more children the opportunity to have access to PAF’s programs.
Kuhl holds a bachelor’s degree in agriculture business and marketing communications from the University of Wisconsin, River Falls, as well as an MBA from the University of Phoenix. In addition to his position at PAF, Kuhl is president-elect of the International Society for Agricultural Safety and Health (ISASH), an advisor to the National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety, and a member of the Safety in Agriculture for Youth (SAY) national steering committee.
To access the full article within the Journal of Agromedicine, visit: