The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman.
The lifeblood of the dairy industry is those farmers who work every day to put milk and dairy products on consumer tables. A new program created by the Dairy Shrine will help recognize America’s hard working dairy farm families while supporting the preservation of the history of these family farms.
The Farm Plaque Program will consist of a display within the museum featuring plaques with logos of dairy farms from across the country and around the world. In addition to the logo, a QR code will be etched into the 6” x 9” oak plaque that, when scanned, will take people to the farm’s website.
“We’re fans of the Dairy Shrine and what it represents in terms of supporting youth and preserving the history of the dairy industry,” says Ken McCarty, a partner in McCarty Family Farms and MVP Dairy. Both farms will be featured with plaques in the museum. “We appreciated the opportunity to feature our farms while also supporting the Dairy Shrine museum and mission.”
Farms that want to participate can purchase a plaque for $500, renewable after five years. They can choose to have their plaque displayed permanently for $1,000. McCarty chose the lifetime option. All funds generated through the program will go toward ongoing updates to the museum as well as supporting scholarship opportunities for college students.
“We’re passionate about the dairy industry and we have been long-time supporters of Dairy Shrine,” says Mary Shank-Creek, who owns Palmyra Farm, a prominent Ayrshire herd, and Palmyra Cheese. Both the farm and cheese entity will be featured with a QR code on the plaque they purchased. “This program is a great way to support the museum and Dairy Shrine organization while also offering promotion for our businesses.”
Those interested in purchasing a plaque for display in the museum can do so by ordering online through this link: or send an email to