April 10 2024 01:36 PM

Jumping on current social media trends is a fun and relevant way for us to promote dairy products and farming in general.

It’s never a bad idea to latch onto a social media trend and ride the wave for as long as possible. Right now, the #ofcourse trend is hot where people pair with a friend to reveal funny or relevant truths about themselves.

This is a perfect opportunity for the checkoff to be part of the trend and deliver some dairy-focused messaging in a fun and relevant way. The Dairy Management Inc. Undeniably Dairy team put its spin on this trend with a “we’re dietitians” video that we posted on TikTok.

In the video, National Dairy Council registered dietitians Megan Maisano and Kerry Hackworth highlight various aspects of dairy nutrition, including gut health, a subject we know is of growing importance with consumers. Here are some of the messages they deliver:

  • All foods fit in a balanced lifestyle.
  • Fermented foods, including yogurt and kefir, are beneficial to gut health.
  • They’ve been on the “cottage cheese train” way before it was cool.
  • Don’t forget the hard cheese, which is low in lactose, on your next charcuterie board.
  • Make sure you add milk — the “real OG” — with your coffee for its protein and taste benefits.

Check out the video on TikTok or on Instagram that launched in March as part of the checkoff’s celebration of National Nutrition Month. Be sure to share it on your social media channels as a way of showing that dairy #ofcourse delivers many nutritional benefits!

To learn more about your national dairy checkoff, visit www.usdairy.com/for-farmers or to reach us directly, send an email to TalkToTheCheckoff@dairy.org.

Don Schindler

The author is a Senior Vice President of Digital Initiatives at Dairy Management Inc.
