The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman.

Jill Armbruster was the recipient of the AWA Founders Award. The Founders Award is presented to an individual who has had a significant influence on students and alumni of AWA. Jill has had a positive impact on the financial stability of the organization and its members. As an active member, she ensured budgets were made and as an alumni, she has donated her time by conducting annual audits. Jill works as a tax consultant for Compeer Financial and has helped AWA members confidently navigate both the financial landscape and their careers in the industry.
Tammy Vaassen was recognized as an Outstanding Woman in Agriculture. The Outstanding Woman in Agriculture is recognized for her significant influence on the agricultural industry. Tammy has made a significant impact on Wisconsin agriculture through her work with the meat industry. She currently serves as the Executive Director of the Wisconsin Beef Council and is dedicated to creating new opportunities for the state’s beef farmers. She also fosters collaboration with other organizations such as the University of Wisconsin-Extension, 4-H, and DATCP to share resources for the betterment of farmers and processors in the beef industry. Her unwavering commitment to the industry, coupled with her exceptional leadership, makes her truly deserving of this honor.
Nicole Broege is this year’s student Outstanding Senior. The Outstanding Senior is awarded for her years of leadership through AWA. Nicole will graduate with a degree in dairy science this May and she’s held various leadership roles during her time as an active member. As an alumni, she plans to continue giving back to AWA. The relationships she has built and connections she has made as a member of AWA have helped her immensely during her time as a student and she hopes to be able to provide those same opportunities to future students within the organization.
Anne Runde was awarded the Friend of AWA. Although this alumni member is a recent graduate, she is an inspiration and positive role model for all members. She has been a small business owner, outstanding florist, and currently is a marketing specialist for Holstein Association USA. She continues to serve AWA by creating the beautiful floral arrangements for AWA day, attending alumni events, and promoting the agriculture industry. She continues to be a friend to both alumni and active AWA members and shines a positive light on the organization.
Charles Sara was this year’s Honored Guest at AWA Day. Charles Is an attorney at DeWitt Law Firm and works closely with the organization. He played an important role in getting AWA the rights to the official AWA logo. This was an important accomplishment for the organization as it will allow them to own their brand and uphold the reputation of AWA.
Katy Katzman was awarded the Outstanding Alumni. Katy continually makes herself available to assist the student organization and promote AWA. She also played an integral part in the promotion of the 50th Anniversary of AWA, which was celebrated last year. She rallied both students and alumni together to celebrate the milestone achievement. Katy is an advocate for the agriculture industry, and makes sure to share her experiences with others through social media to promote the industry further.
The six awards were presented at the organization’s AWA Day held on April 13th in Madison, Wis.