The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman.

The Dairy Girl Network (DGN), an organization supporting all women in dairy by enhancing lives and creating opportunities, is excited to announce their fifth bi-annual conference to be held November 5-7, 2024, in Independence, MO at Stoney Creek Hotel.

DGN is excited to bring together hundreds of dairywomen, producers, industry members and dairy enthusiasts, to the Kansas City area to learn, grow and recharge their batteries. The Forward TogetHER conference focuses on personal and professional development to help dairywomen learn, lead and succeed in their daily journey on the farm, at home and throughout our industry.

Whether you are up for a trip or need to stay close to the farm, DGN is excited to offer flexible registration either being in person or online. With speakers including: Jackie Klippenstein, Dr. Catie Cramer, Brandi Buzzard, Laura Daniels, Mary Knigge, Dr. Jen Roberts, Manuel Soares, Laurie Chan and more! With a total of over 25 dynamic speakers, the event will cover topics ranging from sustainability, people management, technology, milk markets, technical herd topics, leadership and more! There will also be shopping opportunities in our signature Showcase tradeshow, door prizes, headshots, 1-on-1 expert exchanges and so much more!

Hurry and register today at for the best value! A limited time discount of $50 off registration rates is available for early bird registration for both in-person and virtual On-Demand registrations until June 19th. Registration will be open until October 8th and you can register at

DGN partners with organizations valuing personal and professional development for dairywomen. Sponsorships for the conference are still available. If your company is interested in partnering with us to make the event a success, please contact

The Dairy Girl Network connects all women of the dairy industry, encouraging ideas and camaraderie in an effort to achieve personal and professional development. Designed as a welcoming network of passionate women involved in dairy, relationships will grow through shared experience, support and inspiration.