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To accommodate the need for advanced genetic support and training to reflect Select Sires Inc.’s and World Wide Sires’ global influence, Brian Coyne, Amber Vander Poel and Ashley Waymire will assume new or expanded roles.
“Brian’s passion for genetics and the dairy industry, combined with his desire to find solutions that increase the success of our salespeople and customers, make him a great fit as the new manager of applied genetic strategies,” said Rebekah Mast, vice president global talent development, Select Sires Inc. and World Wide Sires, Ltd. “I anticipate this change will expand our ability to provide advanced training to our teams worldwide. This also provides a great opportunity for Amber and Ashley to grow in their recently acquired positions. With Brian, Amber and Ashley working closely together, I’m excited by the greater capacity to deliver strategic and profitable solutions to our teams and customers.”

For the last five years, Brian Coyne has been leading the development of genetic tools, including Select Mating Service® (SMS®), StrataGEN®, and the newly released pedigree index calculator (PIC) as a business analyst within Select Sires’ information systems (IS) department. In this role, Coyne served as a liaison between the business and IS to create relevant tools for consultants and dairy farmers. While training field teams on new tools, the need for advanced instruction on the best application of existing resources and sales processes became apparent. To support this, Coyne will be transitioning to the talent development team as the manager of applied genetic strategies. He will work alongside the World Wide Sires genetic dairy solutions team to serve genomic testing partners, while developing and delivering training on the latest genetic traits, trends and tools to field teams domestically and abroad

Amber Vander Poel has worked with World Wide Sires for three years and has quickly earned recognition for delivering technical training and genetic strategies to teams internationally. Beginning in May, Vander Poel will spend a percentage of her time working for CentralStar Cooperative as a reproductive and genetic consultant. In this role, Amber will leverage reproductive monitoring, genetic strategies and inventory management to analyze data and support dairies in the region. Vander Poel will also accept some of Coyne’s previous responsibilities related to genetic tool development and IS coordination. As a senior genetic analyst, Vander Poel will continue to support the maintenance, advancement, and delivery of genomic solutions for global customers.

Some of Vander Poel’s international responsibilities will be transferred to Genetic Support Specialist Ashley Waymire who recently transitioned from part-time to full-time as she completes her master’s degree in animal biology at the University of California, Davis. Waymire will take on increasing levels of responsibility to support team members through practical training and application of genetic tools to develop strategies for international customers.