The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman.

After more than a year of industry consultation and discussions, the Board of Directors of Lactanet Canada has approved the recommendations proposed by the Genetic Evaluation Board (GEB) outlining the new LPI formula to be officially implemented for each of the seven dairy breeds starting April 2025.

The process to modernize the LPI formula, which was first introduced 33 years ago in 1991, had several key objectives to help producers, breeders and A.I. companies achieve their selection and breeding goals. Perhaps the most significant feature of the new LPI formula is the creation of up to six subindexes that will each be published as a separate value on a standardized scale allowing for easy interpretation and identification of each animal’s overall areas of strength.

For each breed, the relative weight placed on the various subindexes was finalized in consultation with the respective breed association. For all breeds, the Milkability Index (MI) will be a new component of the LPI, which aims to focus on traits related to milking efficiency. Specific for the Holstein breed, the Environmental Impact Index (EI) is also new, which includes traits related to environmental sustainability. The relative weight of each subindex for the Holstein breed is shown in the sidebar. The modernized LPI has a 98.5% correlation with the current LPI in Holsteins, which is very high but some reranking of top bulls, cows and heifers will be observed.

Lactanet’s Chief Services Officer, Brian Van Doormaal, commented “With the expansion of new traits evaluated in Canada in recent years, and in the years to come, the time has come to modernize Canada’s longstanding and world-respected LPI to include the new six subindexes. Genetic selection based on the new LPI starting April 2025, or Pro$ as Canada’s profit-oriented national index, will lead to genetic response for traits included as well as traits with a correlated response.”