The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman.

To aid dairy farmers in making sound business decisions related to drenching for metabolic disorders such as ketosis, Advanced Agri Solutions (AAS) has launched two return-on-investment calculators on its newly designed website:

One calculator focuses on treatment and the other on a preventative approach so that farmers can help keep their herd healthy and milk production up. Both calculators use the cost of AAS PowerPakTM Drench Mix in its calculations. PowerPak Drench Mix delivers the energy boost and essential nutrients cows need during calving, sickness or reduced intake.

“Dairy farms oftentimes operate with thin profit margins,” says Dean Hoover, AAS co-founder and lead technical support specialist. “We wanted to develop a useful tool for dairy farm owners and managers to enter their unique parameters, such as herd size and percent of cows at risk of ketosis, so they can evaluate the ROI of using AAS products on the farm.”

Hoover developed the company’s products as a result of working on his family’s dairy farm where he shared responsibility for the day-to-day health of the herd. “By talking with veterinarians and nutritionists, I learned what nutrients are key to helping at-risk cows keep

their milk production up. It’s why we developed the AAS drench solutions available today – to help farmers keep doing what they love while increasing profitability.”

About Advanced Agri Solutions (AAS)

AAS develops and sells products to help dairy farmers increase treatment success in sick and fresh cows to help keep milk production and farm profitability up. AAS drench mixes provide cows with the specially formulated nutrients needed to help raise blood calcium and magnesium levels, minimize body fat mobilization, restore lost electrolytes, stimulate rumen microbial growth and maintain liver health.