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The new and better Old Timer’s Luncheon is a great chance to catch up with old dairy friends!

For over 45 years, dairy snowbirds have gathered in Florida for the Old-Timers Luncheon (originally a Breakfast) 15 to 20 states and Provinces of Canada are represented for a good old-fashioned get-together. In the past, the breakfast was at the Florida State Fair, however Covid inspired changes making this less doable. We are now meeting for lunch at O’Brien’s Irish Pub---701 W. Lumsden Rd., Brandon, FL.

The 2024 Old Timer’s Breakfast date was Monday, February 17, 2025, and starts at noon with greetings to old friends and new acquaintances. Lunch was served at 1:00pm to give those who attended the cow show at the Florida State Fair nearby.

Madison Dyment, Guest Speaker
And you don’t actually even have to be a “old” to attend, since most of us are in our “new 40s!” Our speaker, Madison Dyment, is a PhD Candidate at Florida and a previous winner at the World Dairy Expo Collegiate Dairy Judging contest.

Next year's Luncheon is 2-16-2026.