The MIone multi-box robotic milking system from GEA Farm Technologies has been adapted to meet the demands of the North American dairy market and to meet the quality standards and guidelines set forth by industry regulatory agencies. The udder prep process used by the MIone has been AMDERC (Atlantic-Midwest Dairy Equipment Review Committee) approved and therefore FDA and state inspector accepted.
"Milk safety and milk quality are No. 1 priorities at GEA Farm Technologies," said Steve Pretz, GEA Farm Technologies U.S. National Sales Manager for Milking and Cooling products. "We are the first company to complete the AMDERC process on a robotic milking system, and we continue to pour great efforts into obtaining important regulatory approvals. Our customers can be confident that milk harvested from our equipment is of the highest quality possible."
The MIone sets itself apart from other milking robots because it utilizes one robotic application arm to service up to five milking boxes providing the highest capacity for the investment cost. The MIone also features revolutionary cow milking technology. A 3D camera simultaneously "sees" the teat cup and teat, for precise attachment. Once the teat cups are attached, teat cleaning, pre-dipping, drying, a milk quality check, stimulation, and milk harvest are executed in sequence - within the teat cup. This single attachment process saves time and prevents any system contamination.
"Today's dairymen face heavy pressure to produce milk at the lowest possible cost per CWT whether they milk robotically or conventionally," adds Pretz. "The milking procedures utilized with the MIone multi-box system most closely mirror the milking practices utilized on conventional operations. These are the practices that have been proven over many years to yield the most milk and preserve milk quality. Many other robotic systems ask dairy producers to sacrifice important management protocols to accommodate the robot function. The MIone is no compromise milking."
The MIone prep process includes teat cleaning and pre-dipping, practices that other robotic systems may not perform. Also, the design of the MIone milking rack allows for trouble-free manual attachment of the teat cups when required, which is not possible on competitive robots. Lastly, only the MIone uses patented Stimopuls technology to optimize teat stimulation, enhancing milk let down.
Smart cow flow, maximum cow comfort, and proper feed management are part of the intelligent barn designs that accompany the MIone milking center. Dairy design services from GEA Farm Technologies can customize a barn layout based on individual dairy requirements that focus on total cow management, whether the dairy desires free flow or milk-first, feed-second guided cow traffic.
"The "MI" in MIone stands for "Milking Intelligence," summarizes Pretz. "If your goals are to embrace new technology, manage your herd more precisely, create the best possible living environment for your cows, and carve out a more balanced life for yourself, GEA Farm Technologies would like to help you get there with the MIone automatic milking system."
The MIone is available through selected GEA Farm Technologies dealers. For more information about the MIone multi-box robotic milking system, contact GEA Farm Technologies at 1.877.WS.DAIRY or 1.877.973.2479.