The U.S. Ayrshire Breeders' Association is ready to roll out the new classification schedule as was announced earlier this year!

Effective July 1st, the Ayrshire Breeders' Association will be working with a multi-breed association collaboration of Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Guernsey and Milking Shorthorn under a contractual agreement with the Brown Swiss Association. Current classifiers are employed by the Brown Swiss and Guernsey Breed Associations.

ABA Directors, Classification Committee representatives and staff participated in an appraisal workshop where each breed identified unique characteristics that affect linear traits and final scores. The classifiers were able to ask questions and practice on many cows to become uniform in their appraisal of each respective breed. The ABA will continue to use the same linear scale for type traits and will continue to follow the rules governing the Linear Type Traits Appraisal Program. Breeders will receive a print-out with final scores while the evaluator is on the farm. A complete report with linear trait breakdowns will be mailed from the ABA to the applicant upon receipt of the classification data from the evaluator. In addition to the report, labels are issued for application to registration papers that show the animal's name, registration number, date of classification and final score.

Ayrshire breeders are encouraged to participate in a classification workshop to be held during the National Ayrshire Convention at Emerald Farms on Thursday, June 27 at 5:00 p.m. The program will be lead by ABA Classification Chairman Lynn Lee and Brown Swiss Executive Secretary and Classification Coordinator David Wallace.

To participate in the classification program, breeders must submit an application to the ABA by the tour deadlines listed below. Contact the ABA office at 614-335-0020 if you need assistance.

2013 Classification Tour
Ayrshire classification schedule

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