June 20 2016
During a 20-year span, the number of small dairy farms in our ranks has dropped dramatically. And with it, where our cows reside has changed, too. That situation was detailed in the April 25 Hoard's Dairyman...
June 6 2016
A second economic analysis has confirmed that dairy farm income did not cover expenses in 2015 for California dairy producers. Frazer Certified Public Accountants and Consultants conducted the latest study....
June 6 2016
Falling milk prices virtually wiped out profits for Northeast dairy farmers in 2015, delivering close to break-even results on average, according to Farm Credit's Northeast Dairy Farm Summary. In addition...
May 30 2016
Agriculture is cyclical on many levels . . . whether it is the seasons of the year, animal gestation, or even economics
May 23 2016
We've been saying since before 2015 ended that it was a bad financial year for California dairies, and now the state agrees. Except it wasn't just bad, it was awful
March 28 2016
Long-term growth and short-term fluctuation are the new norm for commodity markets. In Kansas this past weekend, my relatives woke up to a blanket of snow. Almost 3 inches fell there overnight and greeted...
Feb. 8 2016
Not since the end of the USDA's Whole Herd Buyout Program has dairy cow culling surpassed that of their beef cow cousins. However, that is exactly what happened in 2015 as beef producers retained cows...
Feb. 8 2016
Bank's outlook: "The sky is falling!" As I write this on January 20, the stock market has dumped 550 points before lunchtime. That's on top of the 1,409 that had already gone poof this month. Happy New...
Feb. 1 2016
"Price recovery will likely come in 2016, but it still could be some way off," said Kevin Bellamy, a global dairy strategist with Rabobank, eluding that a milk price recovery could happen in the fourth...
Jan. 18 2016
Front row (L to R): Jennifer May, Anna Rodas with Olivia and Easton, Macklen Fee and Bob DiCarlo. Back row: John Brown, Greg Guinan, Kevin Moore and John Knopf. "Milk price has no bearing on how we administer...
Jan. 18 2016
Minnesota's dairy sector at a crossroads. A reduction in overall milk production; nearly maxed out cheese plant capacity; and sluggish demand for soft products are among the factors that have conspired...
Jan. 4 2016
What is "normal" anymore? The start of each new year brings uncertainty about what lies ahead. Like being in front of cows or behind them, how things look depends upon your perspective. For dairy producers,...
Dec. 28 2015
How does a year always seem to go by in a blur? And why does all of the big dairy news always seem like it just happened? Here are 10 items that stick out in my mind: Manure is a four-letter word. Wow,...
July 10 2015
Last year was a blast from the past for dairies: feed costs dropped below 50 percent of income
June 3 2015
They've dropped by more than half since October, almost entirely because of milk prices
March 30 2015
After a milk price year for the ages in 2014, producers knew 2015 would be worse. And it has been so far.But low feed and high beef prices have made it manageable, and indications are growing that this...
March 23 2015
Don't be fooled by the quick turnaround in Class III price futures the last two months. Milk producers aren't out of the woods yet, says a Rabobank analyst
March 9 2015
"High hay prices and corn silage costs have kept California milk production and cow numbers at bay," Seth Hoyt told those attending the opening session at the 12th bi-annual Western Dairy Management Conference....
Feb. 10 2015
Milk prices less than last year, but better than 2009. Last year was an extraordinary year for U.S. dairy farmers. A combination of very strong demand for dairy products by the major dairy importing countries,...
Jan. 10 2015
A dairy "bellwether" drops prices again. Just how much milk could be available globally in 2015? Plenty, is the short answer. New Zealand believes the demand-supply balance has tipped and created a buyer's...