May 13 2024
Feeding and managing cows in a robotic milking systemPresented by: Jim Salfer, an extension educator with the University of MinnesotaSponsored by AMS Galaxy. Learn about feeding and manageme
May 2 2024
Artificial intelligence isn’t new, but the introduction of ChatGPT to the masses in November 2022 propelled the conversation to a whole new level. In agriculture, discussions abound on how data and...
Feb. 1 2024
The University of Wisconsin-Madison is excited to announce that our new educational video game called “Mooving Cows” is now publicly available to download and play
Nov. 24 2023
Implementing an activity monitoring system is a serious investment for a dairy farm. That can be paid back by saving labor costs on heat detection and getting cows bred at the right time
Nov. 15 2023
The milking center is at the heart of a dairy farm, and when the time comes to make updates, producers can be faced with a big decision
Nov. 15 2023
Events like World Dairy Expo can make a dairy producer’s heart beat a little faster at the sight of shiny new equipment and innovative technology to manage the herd
May 11 2023
“Technology is coming for us, whether we like it or not,” said Steph Plaster, a University of Wisconsin Division of Extension farm management outreach specialist, during a “Setting your...
March 31 2023
This creative piece was written by one of our regular authors, Gerald Anderson. Be sure to read the full story to reveal a fun twist at the end!
March 23 2023
Cow sense — it’s a concept one often gleans either growing up on a farm or working on a farm. This cow sense, and ultimately understanding how a cow perceives her environment, is the very core...
March 6 2023
Technology should be useful and easily understood if it’s going to bring value to dairy farmers and their employees
Feb. 1 2023
Certain parts of the country need more training and technicians to keep up with the number of robotic milking systems that are being installed
Dec. 8 2022
The one question I get asked the most as a robotic dairy farmer is this: How many cows can you run per robot? This is such a loaded question to me. I can dissect this one question into many diffe
Sept. 30 2022
When it comes to milk quality, there are details I can see now that I couldn’t before we had our voluntary milking system
Sept. 16 2022
Milking in both our parlor and with the robots provided some benefits, but certain costs recently led us back to milking exclusively with one system
Sept. 2 2022
Farm help is on the decline in our area and across the country, and it is a driving force for why some farms are choosing robotics
Aug. 23 2022
Safety is critical for anyone working on the farm, but there are a few reasons why women in agriculture may be at an elevated risk
Aug. 18 2022
Last June, meatpacking giant JBS halted all of its U.S. plants that collectively produce about a quarter of the country’s beef supply, for an entire day
Aug. 15 2022
Though we don’t see them and may only rarely think about them, there are thousands of satellites — the current approximation is more than 4,500 — circling our globe right now
July 21 2022
The dairy industry was big data long before it was cool to be big data