Feb. 27 2023
A required nutrient must be supplied to cells for the cow to maintain normal health, produce milk, and reproduce. Just because a nutrient is required, though, does not mean that a specific requirement
Jan. 10 2023
Dating back to my days on the family dairy farm, my favorite tool has been a multi-tool strapped to my belt. While I’ve converted and upgraded nearly all of the mechanics and woodworking tools in...
Oct. 10 2022
Today’s athletes have different goals than their counterparts from prior decades. Athletic goals in this era are attributable to new technologies, training techniques, advanced analytics, new strate
Sept. 14 2022
Despite the many advances in dairy cattle nutrition, we are still faced with some challenges. One of those challenges is to ensure adequate dry matter intake (DMI) in transition cows to optimize health
Aug. 29 2022
While alternative forage sources may be needed when forage or ingredient availability is limited, these scenarios also require the re-formulation of dairy cow diets
Aug. 10 2022
To all the avid Hoard’s Dairyman readers out there — thank you! Over the nearly 15 years since graduate school, I’ve written articles for different publications
Aug. 8 2022
Make the most of this year's corn silagepresented by John Goeser, Rock River LaboratoryLeaning on prior experience, as well as taking into account this year’s growing season, Goeser projects t
Aug. 8 2022
White House conferences on hunger and diet-related health are a rare occurrence. In fact, it’s been more than 50 years since the only one that’s ever been convened
June 9 2022
A properly formulated ration is one of the most valuable tools a dairy farm has to ensure cows remain healthy and productive, but balanced nutrients isn’t the only important factor of a diet
June 8 2022
High-forage diets for dairy cattle are becoming more popular due to the cost-effectiveness of homegrown forages and potential benefits on milk components
June 8 2022
The author is a professor emeritus at University of Illinois, Urbana.Questions are arriving from around the globe, inquiring about strategies to reduce feed costs given $7 to $8 per bushel corn and so
June 6 2022
In the past few weeks, I’ve fielded a half dozen phone calls following a number of episodes involving unexplained health issues in high-performing cows. The calls came from throughout Minnesot
May 16 2022
There are nickels, dimes, and quarters lying around on dairy farms all over the place. Of course, I’m figuratively speaking as there are no loose coins to actually be found. Yet, I’m convinc
April 18 2022
More and more I get questions about the proper chop length for silages and what is a desirable particle distribution for a total mixed ration (TMR) when using the Penn State Particle Separator
April 11 2022
Converting feed cost to milk income is the most basic description of my job as a nutritionist. It is really no different than an auto manufacturing plant that buys various pieces of metal, plastic
April 10 2022
A cliché is an overused word or phrase that can deviate from or even betray the word’s intended meaning. In some cases, clichés are used so frequently that they become unnoticeable...
March 31 2022
Many of us find ourselves eating out more in recent years than we did a decade ago, and certainly more than a generation ago. In many regions, there has been a proliferation of eating options
March 30 2022
Dairy producers are well aware of what milk fever does to a cow. Muscle weakness and recumbency are the most visible signs, and if the condition is left untreated, it can lead to death
March 30 2022
Homegrown forages are vital ingredients in dairy diets with corn silage being one of the anchors in rations for dairy cows. High-quality corn silage not only supplies energy for maintenance
Feb. 24 2022
Most of the updates made in the eighth revised edition of the Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle were minor; according to Bill Weiss from The Ohio State University