April 15 2021
Innovation and research are two of the most important keys to future success of dairy sales. As such, the industry invests heavily in research and development to secure markets of the future
April 8 2021
Reforms to the Federal Milk Marketing Order system have been on many minds lately thanks to the pricing chaos caused by last year’s dairy demand destruction
March 4 2021
Mozzarella is the most commonly produced cheese in the U.S. and the most consumed
March 4 2021
In the dairy industry, demand and supply are critically linked. The balance between the two drives farm gate prices
Feb. 25 2021
Having a steady market for your milk was not of much concern to dairy farmers until the growth of the last few years changed how we think about market access
Feb. 22 2021
While bank standards for assessing loans haven’t changed, the risks associated with dairy operations certainly have changed during the pandemic
Feb. 22 2021
It’s refreshing and optimistic to turn the calendar to a new year, but the ramifications of COVID-19 on dairy’s economic health are far from over
Feb. 18 2021
Leaving potential money on the table is something no farmer wants to do. Most often, we hear this fear in terms of risk management — it’s easy to put off locking in milk prices, or even feed...
Feb. 18 2021
If volatility has been the defining characteristic of the dairy industry during the last few decades, 2020 was one for the record books
Feb. 11 2021
Dairy technology has exploded in the last few decades, and for that we have both innovation and necessity to thank
Feb. 8 2021
Every time another regulation is added to a farmer’s plate, it seems like a brand new challenge to tackle. Oftentimes, it is
Feb. 8 2021
The road to where we are today in agriculture labor laws has been paved with a multitude of good intentions and calls for justice
Feb. 4 2021
The United States is nearly one year into the COVID-19 pandemic, and the disease has changed both social and societal norms across the country
Feb. 4 2021
Dairy farming is not a 40-hour per week job. With labor laws becoming more restrictive, though, employers may have to treat it as such
Feb. 1 2021
While President Joe Biden’s appointment for Secretary of Agriculture awaits approval by the Senate, the veteran head of USDA, Tom Vilsack, is already considering his agenda for his second term
Jan. 28 2021
There has been much talk about the Biden administration’s goal for rural America to play a leading role in combatting climate change, but farmers are still understandably curious and cautious about...
Jan. 25 2021
“I don’t think there’s any debate that improving broadband access in rural areas is both necessary and worthy. That’s just not a question,” said Cornell’s Andy Novakovic...
Jan. 25 2021
Nutrition programs, climate change, and trade will likely be high priorities for both the House and Senate agriculture leaders in this new Congress, panelists discussed on the January 20 Hoard’s...
Jan. 21 2021
When the Farm Workforce Modernization Act was introduced in the House of Representatives in fall 2019, sponsors reported that the last time significant labor legislation had been passed in the House was...
Jan. 21 2021
The back and forth related to Waters of the United States (WOTUS) dates back to the language of a 1972 amendment to the Clean Water Act that established federal jurisdiction over “navigable waters.”