If you ask a dairy producer, nutritionist, banker, and accountant how much forage is needed annually to maximize profits, you might get four different responses
A feed and forage outlook for the year aheadPresented by Mike Rankin, Hay & Forage Grower and Mike Hutjens, University of IllinoisSponsored by QLFxxxThe ramifications of a challenging crop year in
The mosquito season continues as crops come off fields and the calendar is turning the page toward fall. Warm, humid days and wet conditions following thunderstorms are still prevalent. Inevitably, with...
When it’s time to harvest alfalfa for silage or hay, we are usually concerned about getting the crop cut at the right time, hitting weather windows for good drying conditions, and removing the crop...
It was July 23, 1999, when two college classmates and I boarded a plane to Madison, Wis. On this date, I began a journey that would change my life substantially
Hoard’s Dairyman Editor Abby Bauer was joined by Luiz Ferraretto, an assistant professor and extension specialist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. to discuss silage inoculants
In a few weeks, winter annual grasses or small grain grasses will accelerate their growth, and the harvest of small grain grasses for silage will begin
A feed and forage outlook for the year aheadpresented by: Hay & Forage Grower’s Managing Editor Mike Rankin and the University of Illinois’ Mike Hutjenssponsored by KuhnFarmers faced a my
Providing a third-party yield and quality evaluation of dozens of hybrids each year is a large undertaking, and to get the most value from this effort, each year we ask ourselves what other information...
This year had an impact on farmers across the US. Speaking specifically to the growing season and crop year, it’s abundantly clear that growing conditions in 2023 influenced the resulting alfalfa
It wasn’t until I moved to Wisconsin following college that I truly understood what it meant to try to farm in a place where winter seems to last from November to May
Dairy farmers are constantly seeking sustainable and cost-effective feed options for their cows. While alfalfa is a popular forage source, at times it can be expensive and limited by its availability