It is December 7 and sire summary information has been released. It used to be a really exciting time when there were only two sire summaries per year, as the momentum would build in January and July. In my youth, several A.I. representatives were in the yard with their new information and full of enthusiasm soon after the information became official. Then proofs went to quarterly releases, and in 2010 there were four sire summaries plus several genomic releases, and even less hype resulted. With more releases, the less they seem to matter. However, in 2011, we will see traditional sire summaries only three times – April, August, and December.

In the two genetic release per year era, information was not available as fast as the electronic methods for sharing new sire summaries we enjoy today. So, in 2010 when the sales representative arrives at the farm gate, he is likely to be greeted with, "I see you had a good day. Your top bull looks great. I'll take 10 units." While the sale was made, the discussion was anti-climactic. The representative did not get to share the data, the daughter photos, or the "inside scoop" about the merits of the cow family. The end result was achieved but was not nearly as fun for either party I would assume.

Are we in information overload with too much available at our fingertips? Or, are we simply in work overload, where there are larger and more pressing issues needing attention and so we postpone reviewing the sire summaries until time allows? Are we more specialized in our operations and rely on a consultant to make breeding decisions so as owners those decisions are deflected to others? Whatever the reason, we can look forward to an ever-changing source of sires with nearly endless information from which to make choices.

Check the Hoard's Bull list in our HD Notebook's Friday post as our team summarizes the data and prepares it in a concise format for your review.