If you're interested in taking your involvement to the next level, here's how to get more information:
Citizenship Washington Focus
Dates: Held annually in June and July; offers seven choices of attendance dates
Location: Washington, DC
More Information: Contact your local or state 4-H or Cooperative Extension office on how to attend.
National 4-H Congress
Dates: Held annually in November
Location: Atlanta, Ga.
More Information: Contact your local or state 4-H or Cooperative Extension office on how to attend.
National 4-H Conference
Dates: Held annually in April
Location: Washington, DC
More Information: Contact your local or state 4-H or Cooperative Extension office on how to attend.
National 4-H Dairy Conference
Dates: Held annually in September or October
Location: Madison, Wis.
More Information: Contact your state 4-H office on how to attend.
FFA 212º Leadership
Dates: TBA
Location: TBA
More Information: Contact your local FFA chapter advisor on how to attend.
FFA Washington Leadership Conference (WLC)
Dates: Held annually in June and July; offers seven choices of attendance dates
Location: Washington, DC
More Information: Contact your local FFA chapter advisor on how to attend.
National FFA Convention
Dates: Held annually in October
Location: Indianapolis, Ind.
More Information: Contact your local FFA chapter advisor on how to attend.
Agriculture Future of America (AFA) Leaders Conference
Dates: Held annually in November
Location: Kansas City, Mo.
More Information: Contact 888-472-4232
American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) Student Affiliate Division
Dates: Held annually every summer
Location: Various locations
More Information: Contact your local ADSA Student Affiliate Division chapter
North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge
Dates: Held annually every spring
Location: Various locations
More Information: Contact 608-224-0400
Holstein Association USA
The world's largest dairy cattle breed association for those with a strong interest in breeding, milking, and raising Holstein cattle. Contact your state or local Holstein Association for more information.
American Jersey Cattle Association
This website is for those who love Jersey cows. The website is now in Spanish. For more details on youth activities, contact your state Jersey Association.
Brown Swiss Association
This breed's focus is on cutting edge of agricultural technology and Brown Swiss cows. Contact your state Brown Swiss Association for more information about its youth programs
American Milking Shorthorn Society
The association's mission is to recognize and welcome the diversity of the Milking Shorthorn. Contact your state Milking Shorthorn Society to learn more about the breed's youth programs.
Red & White Dairy Cattle Association
All about the unique Red & White cows and those who breed them. Contact your local R&W Association for more information.
American Guernsey Associaton
Providing promotional programs and services to enhance the value and profits of the Guernsey breed for members, owners, and the dairy industry worldwide. Contact your state Guernsey Association for more information on youth programs.
Ayrshire Breeders Association
Dedicated to the promotion of the Ayrshire breed, with information on genetics, marketing, and how you can become a member. Contact your state Ayrshire association for more details on youth programs.