December 30, 2013 -18
New York should retake third, passing Idaho
Developed world yields more food, less GHG
Japan has feed costs you won't believe
Polled and dehorning costs break even
Beef prices may be reaching their peak
Reader Response: Raw milk is a small threat
Reader Response: Facts ignored on raw milk

December 23, 2013 -17
Doctors say no to raw milk when pregnant
Soda joins fluid milk in a tailspin
Grazing, not just organic, a CLA booster
3D food printing? Um, no.
Cheese a sticking point in trade talks
Reader Response: SCC matters are overstated

December 16, 2013 -16
NFL commits to youth, health and dairy
We should follow trailblazing SCC states
New FDA policy to limit antibiotic use
Where will graziers grow?
All-Milk price projection pushes past $20
Reader response: Reliability isn't accuracy

December 9, 2013 -15
Genomic-only bulls dominate Hoard's list
The power of pennies
Students gain brainpower from breakfast
Grazing growth on the Hawaiian Islands
Video: The Middle East matters to dairy trade

December 2, 2013 -14
Video: Chefs support dairy export sales
Dystocia is silently stealing calves
Maximize your silage investment
Dry as a bone in California
World milk production to expand 1.9 percent
Reader response: Industry had two choices

November 25, 2013 -13
FDA antibiotic residue study remains stealth
Dairy consumption per person has stalled
SQMI to revive dairies in the Southeast
Video: USDEC connects buyers and sellers
Who's playing in the Greek sandbox?

November 18, 2013 -12
Cow manure aims for Super Bowl ad spot
Video: U.S. needs to become a steady supplier
Barriers exist to continued Greek growth
What could Federal Milk Order reform hold?
Livestock will be in ag spotlight in 2014
Reader Response: Hungry for dairy
Reader Response: USDEC sets the stage

November 11, 2013 -11
Video: Middle East hungry for dairy products
Forget about $38 milk happening
Wet weather halts Wisconsin harvest
UHT milk is an export opportunity
Repro basics are the key to their success
Reader Response: Never was a "deal" broken
Reader Response: Rail can move dairy

November 4, 2013 -10
Eleven counties produce 25 percent of U.S. milk
Milk price outlook: $1 lower in 2014
New rail line could open exporting channels
Refine your heifer breeding principles
A milk price deal made – and broken
Reader Response: Did traders overlook things?

October 28, 2013 -09
Beef price run-up probably isn't over yet
Move over beef, pizza's for dinner
Europe reverses 20-year cow number decline
Make grazing EASY
California milk prices woes outlined
Reader Response: Feed prices still high

October 21, 2013 -08
Continued profitability possible in 2014
Farm bill could gain traction
New update to common ration tool
Dishonesty surrounds Meatless Monday buy-in
Canadian dairy farmers upset by trade deal
Reader Response: Drowning without exports

October 16, 2013 -SR1 (Breaking News)
Co-op merger would combine DFA and Dairylea

October 14, 2013 -07
Feed needs should decide late harvest
How low can you go?
Americans say, "More cheese, please"
Without exports, U.S. dairying drowns
Antibiotic resistance sickens 2 million
Reader Response: Glad Expo is moving forward

October 7, 2013 -06
New barns will give Expo a new look
EU preparing for post-quota dairy environment
Sustainability: What's in it for you?
Ultrasounding calves to detect respiratory issues
Kick-start your venture
Reader Response: Food assistance valuable

September 30, 2013 -05
Illegal border crossings reverse course
World milk supplies are beginning to expand
Record N.Z. milk price forecast
Don't pull the culturing trigger too soon
Polled cattle, without the wait
Reader Response: U.S. can be a market force

September 23, 2013 -04
The $36 billion food bill battle begins
Controversial campaigns will keep coming
McDonald's engages dairy veterinarians
Exposing the fraud of "science" that isn't
Demand for milk projected to grow 29 percent

September 16, 2013 -03
Farm bill may continue to take a back seat
Food waste is the bottom line
Corn crop fairing better than soybeans
Agriculture remains a dangerous industry
Early water shutoff in Idaho means less feed

September 9, 2013 (130909) -02
USDA wants your 2 cents on greenhouse gases
Walton added science to the art of breeding
Drought's multi-billion dollar price tag
The Dairyland Initiative extends access
Fewer nutrients flowing into the Mississippi

September 3, 2013 (130903) - 01
E-newsletter extends our dairy coverage
Rules may doom Central California dairies
Is ration variation hindering your herd?
Farms continue to move into the digital world
Dairy Checkoff pays dividends

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