Jan. 24 2017 08:49 AM

Special issue to feature the journal's contributions to the development of dairy science

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To celebrate 100 years of publishing, the Journal of Dairy Science ® (JDS) will publish a commemorative issue reviewing major themes in dairy science research from the past century. The issue, to be published in December 2017 as the final issue of Volume 100, will review how science and technology have changed over the 100-year history of the journal.

"The Journal has supported and published excellent research on all aspects of dairy science and production, and this issue will provide a wonderful repository of scientific discovery and application for the next generations," said John McNamara, emeritus professor at Washington State University. McNamara will serve as editor for this special issue.

The review articles contained in the December issue will celebrate the breadth of discovery and innovation in the dairy realm and highlight the excellent work that has been published since 1917. Articles will cover topics such as dairy foods; animal nutrition; breeding, genetics, and genomics; health, behavior, and well-being; management and economics; and physiology.

Authors asked to contribute to the special issue were selected by section editors of JDS, McNamara, and the editor-in-chief of JDS, Matthew Lucy of the University of Missouri. The authors were invited based on several factors, including their stature within the field of dairy science, expertise, authorship experience, and historical knowledge.

“I felt that the publication of the 100th volume of JDS was the perfect opportunity to recruit a special set of authors for this key milestone project,” Lucy said. “When read retrospectively, scientific journals provide important insights into the evolution of present-day thinking. My hope is that the papers that we publish will become an important resource for the current and future generations of dairy scientists.”

"It is critical that present and future scientists easily find the major discoveries and applications from the last century so that we do not repeat past work but move forward to help feed the world," McNamara added.

Those invited to contribute to the special issue represent the diversity of voices within JDS, with authors from public and private sectors as well as from different hemispheres of the globe. With their input, this unique issue of JDS will offer readers a reminder of the remarkable work that has been published in the journal throughout its history and set the stage for another century of innovation in dairy science.