The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman.
Thirteen new employees engaged in Select Sires’ orientation program held October 23 and October 24 at the Select Sires headquarters in Plain City, Ohio. Immediately following the two-day orientation event, many attendees also participated in a two-day sales training program. These new employees represented five member-cooperatives and Select Sires GenerVations.
“Select Sires’ extensive orientation program provides new employees with the resources and skill development to prepare them for the field. During the orientation program, employees have the opportunity to visit the facilities in Plain City and build connections with colleagues across North America,” says Lyle Kruse, vice president of U.S. market development for Select Sires. “This group of individuals is extremely knowledgeable and driven and will be excellent additions to an already industry-leading sales and service force.”
The orientation program highlights the cooperative’s unique history and provides a comprehensive overview of the current programs and services. Industry experts delivered presentations on pertinent topics such as: Select Reproductive Solutions® (SRS®), Select Mating Service® (SMS®), Program for Genetic AdvancementTM (PGATM), StrataGEN®, Aggressive Reproductive TechnologiesTM (ARTTM), CowManager®, Breeding to FeedingSM and Program for Fertility AdvancementTM (PFATM). New employees receive training on the topics of bull care and semen collection, semen quality and fertility, genetic evaluations, dairy and beef sire programs, herd management solutions and Select Sires’ gender SELECTedTM semen process. Participants also have the opportunity to view a selection of bulls.
Orientation participants included: All West/Select Sires: Ryan DeYoung, Snohomish, Wash. and Bryce Stampanoni, Mt. Vernon, Wash.; COBA/Select Sires: Kathy Saxour, Plain City, Ohio and Damon Bertke, Maria Stein, Ohio; Minnesota/Select Sires: John Schmitz, Eden Valley, Minn. and Adam Kramer, Sartell, Minn.; Select Sires GenerVations: Andrew Vellenga, Smithville, Ontario and Jenifer McRobert Mitchell, Ontario; Select Sire Power: Paul Moyer, Roaring Branch, Pa., David Martorana, W. Charleston, Vt., Jeff Sutton, Westminster, Md. and Bill Gaston, Enosburg Falls, Vt.
Based in Plain City, Ohio, Select Sires Inc., is North America's largest A.I. organization and is comprised of nine farmer-owned and -controlled cooperatives. As the industry leader, it provides highly fertile semen as well as excellence in service and programs to achieve its basic objective of supplying dairy and beef producers with North America's best genetics at a reasonable price.

Thirteen new employees gathered at the Select Sires headquarters in Plain City, Ohio for orientation and sales training.
Thirteen new employees engaged in Select Sires’ orientation program held October 23 and October 24 at the Select Sires headquarters in Plain City, Ohio. Immediately following the two-day orientation event, many attendees also participated in a two-day sales training program. These new employees represented five member-cooperatives and Select Sires GenerVations.
“Select Sires’ extensive orientation program provides new employees with the resources and skill development to prepare them for the field. During the orientation program, employees have the opportunity to visit the facilities in Plain City and build connections with colleagues across North America,” says Lyle Kruse, vice president of U.S. market development for Select Sires. “This group of individuals is extremely knowledgeable and driven and will be excellent additions to an already industry-leading sales and service force.”
The orientation program highlights the cooperative’s unique history and provides a comprehensive overview of the current programs and services. Industry experts delivered presentations on pertinent topics such as: Select Reproductive Solutions® (SRS®), Select Mating Service® (SMS®), Program for Genetic AdvancementTM (PGATM), StrataGEN®, Aggressive Reproductive TechnologiesTM (ARTTM), CowManager®, Breeding to FeedingSM and Program for Fertility AdvancementTM (PFATM). New employees receive training on the topics of bull care and semen collection, semen quality and fertility, genetic evaluations, dairy and beef sire programs, herd management solutions and Select Sires’ gender SELECTedTM semen process. Participants also have the opportunity to view a selection of bulls.
Orientation participants included: All West/Select Sires: Ryan DeYoung, Snohomish, Wash. and Bryce Stampanoni, Mt. Vernon, Wash.; COBA/Select Sires: Kathy Saxour, Plain City, Ohio and Damon Bertke, Maria Stein, Ohio; Minnesota/Select Sires: John Schmitz, Eden Valley, Minn. and Adam Kramer, Sartell, Minn.; Select Sires GenerVations: Andrew Vellenga, Smithville, Ontario and Jenifer McRobert Mitchell, Ontario; Select Sire Power: Paul Moyer, Roaring Branch, Pa., David Martorana, W. Charleston, Vt., Jeff Sutton, Westminster, Md. and Bill Gaston, Enosburg Falls, Vt.
Based in Plain City, Ohio, Select Sires Inc., is North America's largest A.I. organization and is comprised of nine farmer-owned and -controlled cooperatives. As the industry leader, it provides highly fertile semen as well as excellence in service and programs to achieve its basic objective of supplying dairy and beef producers with North America's best genetics at a reasonable price.