“I’m excited to announce that Stacia has joined the Diamond V team,” says Mitch Deimund, District Sales Manager – Midwest for Diamond V. “In her role, Stacia will work closely with the Diamond V Ruminant Team to support producers, nutritionists, veterinarians, and feed production professionals.”
Sonderman was raised on a small Holstein farm in northeast Iowa and earned B.S. degrees in Dairy Science and Public Service & Administration from Iowa State University. After completing her studies, she joined Monsanto’s dairy business, working in California, North Dakota, Iowa, and Minnesota in her 10 years with the company before Elanco purchased Posilac from Monsanto. After the acquisition, Sonderman continued working for Elanco for another nine years in Minnesota and Iowa. Prior to joining Diamond V, she worked as a Business Manager for Adisseo.
Sonderman is based in Clear Lake, IA, and can be reached at: stacia_sonderman@diamondv.com.