The terms of office for 13 members of the National Dairy Promotion and Research Board (Board) will expire on October 31, 2020. Nominations for the expiring positions are being solicited. Enclosed is a press release requesting dairy producer organizations, dairy importer organizations, and other interested parties nominate candidates for the Board. Two members will be appointed for Region 4 and Region 6, and one member for each of the remaining regions and the importer position. Nominees should be willing to give about 25 days per year of their time to attend scheduled Board meetings and other related functions.
Members whose terms expire October 31, 2020, are:

* Members not eligible for re-nomination.
Dairy Producer Nomination Information
You may nominate a dairy producer(s) for each of the 12 expiring positions in each of the regions where your organization conducts business. The person(s) nominated must produce milk in the region for which they are nominated.
If there is more than one organization representing producers in a specific region, they may caucus and jointly nominate a producer(s) for each position representing that region on the Board for which a member is to be appointed. If a caucus is held, the caucus chairperson should prepare and submit a separate nomination form for each nominee on behalf of the caucus. It is not necessary for each organization participating in the caucus to submit nominations if it agrees with the caucus. If nominations are submitted as a result of a caucus, we encourage the nomination of more than one producer for each position on the Board. If joint agreement is not reached with respect to any such nominations, or if there is no caucus held, each eligible organization should submit to the Secretary a nomination for each appointment to be made to represent that region.
Dairy Importer Nomination Information
You may nominate a dairy importer(s) for the one expiring position. The person(s) nominated must import dairy products and be subject to the assessment.
Nominations may be submitted by individual importers of dairy products or by organizations representing dairy importers, as approved by the Secretary. Individual importers submitting nominations must establish, to the satisfaction of the Secretary, that the person submitting the nomination is an importer of dairy products. Importer organizations must adequately represent importers of dairy products where the primary determining considerations is whether its membership consists primarily of importers of dairy products and whether a substantial interest of the organization is in the importation of dairy products. An importer means a person that imports dairy products into the United States as a principal or as an agent, broker or consignee of any person who produces or handles dairy products outside of the United States for import and sale in the United States, and who is listed as the importer of record for such dairy products.
If you wish to nominate a dairy producer or dairy importer, please submit a completed and signed copy of the enclosed nomination and background information forms for each nominee by April 17, 2020, to:
Promotion, Research, and Planning Division
USDA, AMS, Dairy Program
Stop 0233, Room 2958-South Building
1400 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20250-0233
USDA's programs are open to all individuals without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or familial status. We especially urge women, minorities, and persons with disabilities to participate, recognizing their frequent under-representation on such public boards. It is USDA's policy that membership on industry-governed boards and committees reflect, to the extent practicable, the diversity of individuals served by the programs.
If you have any questions, please contact the Promotion, Research, and Planning Division at
(202) 720-1069 or via email at jill.hoover@usda.gov.