The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman.

In a recent episode of the Dairy Stream podcast, award-winning Rosy-Lane Holsteins, which recently won the Outstanding Dairy Farm Sustainability Award, is featured for their innovative efforts.
Dairy Stream host Mike Austin talked with Lloyd Holterman and Jordan Matthews, who own and operate the farm, about sustainability, training employees, innovative field work, connecting with customers and herd genetics.
Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin sponsored this episode.
Podcast breakdown:
· 1:41: Rosy-Lane Holstein’s philosophy on sustainability (Holterman answer)
· 3:10: Keeping up with national dairy trends (Holterman)
· 4:40: Traveling to dairy farms to spread the message of efficiency (Holterman)
· 5:38: Great people, great cows, great returns (Matthews answer)
· 6:43: Using protocols as a preventative measure (Matthews)
· 8:15: Being environmentally conscious to save energy and lower costs (Holterman)
· 9:04: Strategic business decisions leads to greater ROI (Holterman)
· 10:02: Reusing water two to three times throughout the farm (Matthews)
· 11:05: Using crop rotation and cover crops to boost soil health and increase crop production (Holterman)
· 11:57: Advocating for cover crops (Holterman)
· 13:50: Measuring benchmarks to improve operations (Holterman)
· 15:27: Research of cow’s health led to improved genetics (Matthews)
· 17:39: Allowing farm tours and having an open-door policy for the public (Matthews)
· 19:45: Using social media to explain dairy basics to customers (Matthews)
· 25:58: Speaking to the community and using presentations to share mission and vision (Holterman)
· 22:53: Sustainability efforts are a mission to satisfy customer demands (Holterman)
· 23:44: Customers take notice of sustainability work (Matthews answer)
About Dairy Stream:
Dairy Stream focuses on policy, sustainability, market trends, new technology, processor updates, business partner news and farmer involvement. The podcast is co-produced by the Dairy Business Association and Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative, sister organizations that fight for effective dairy policy in Wisconsin and Washington, D.C..
Dairy Stream is available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, iHeartRadio, PodBean, Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts.