Planning is underway by Eastern States Exposition and the New England 4-H community to create programming and opportunities for the youth organization to grow and thrive while keeping participants safe under COVID-19 protocols.
Gene Cassidy, President and CEO of Eastern States Exposition said, “During this unique time in our history, ESE is doing all it can to support and provide an appropriate venue for youth and agriculture, the core of our mission.”
A variety of programs and competitions for youth are being considered including the introduction of a summer 4-H competitive event. Events will be carefully planned for participants and animals to be able to properly social distance in the barns and areas on the grounds.
The group strives to explore innovative programming, to support youth and to educate them on career opportunities and workforce development.
ESE Trustee and committee member Nick Barishian said, “We have joined forces with all six New England 4-H Programs, 4-H Staff, 4-H Volunteers, and 4-H Youth from across New England to reimagine the New England 4-H Program to take its current best-in-class event, and bring it to an even better place, truly living the 4-H motto to ‘Make the Best Better.’”
More information will be available as plans develop.