Every time I leave World Dairy Expo, my heart and my stomach are full — my heart because of the relationships that are nurtured during the week, and my stomach because of all the good food that can be devoured.

Marilyn K. Hershey

Duane and I started going to Expo many years ago, and the friendships that began in the hallways and barns are solid, quality relationships that are always reinforced during this week. Laughter, stories from years past, and quality conversations are shared throughout the short time we spend together.

Both new acquaintances and dear friends that we only see once a year make the week extra special. I find more and more as we go through our seasons of farming that I need these friendships for encouragement, direction in decisions, and to keep me centered.

This show brings out the cream of the crop, and walking throughout the alleyways of the barns is heartwarming for many. Amazing cows and heifers from all dairy breeds are around every corner and it is truly a beautiful sight.

The animals are at their best, whether standing in their stalls or paraded across the shavings, and they are a pleasure to watch. I never met a dairy farmer who does not like to get a glance of a good-looking cow or heifer.

The food at Expo is also incredible. Take the famous grilled cheese sandwich for example. Every day there are different kinds of cheeses used to make the sandwiches. I make grilled cheese sandwiches at home several times throughout the year and I enjoy trying a variety of cheeses. However, there is something amazingly delicious about a grilled cheese sandwich from the tent at Expo; the cheese that melts in your mouth; the buttery, crisp bread; and the milk shake that washes it all down. It is worth the wait in line.

Of course, I have to save room in my stomach for the ice cream. This is also a special treat that Duane and I look forward to every year. They offer many different flavors each day and deciding which flavor to choose is tough.

It is my goal to decide on one favorite flavor from the ice cream booth each day. I try really hard to stick to one, but sometimes the desire for ice cream outweighs self-control.

Of course, ice cream and grilled cheese sandwiches are not the only foods offered at Expo. All kinds of favorites can be found at a booth, food truck, or in The Tanbark. I have learned over the years to pace myself in preparation for the onslaught of good food that I consume throughout the week.

In addition to food, the trade show at Expo has numerous booths that appeal to farmers of all sizes and shapes. When Duane and I are roaming around the grounds, it is wise to check in throughout the day. I am never quite sure what new gadget he is going to come home with. The good news is that in the past number of years we have flown to Expo, limiting the amount of things we can come home with, is determined by the plane. Whatever we purchase has to fit in the suitcase.

Duane and I typically divide and conquer the virtual farm tours and the seminars offered throughout the week. We find depth in learning from others, and it is exciting to see how other farmers are improving their operations, adding value to their dairies, and how farming in their area is unique to the way Duane and I farm. We have a diverse and unique country. There are many ways to farm aside from the way we do, and we can learn from each other along the way.

Last year a dear friend of mine had to miss Expo because of her daughter’s wedding. We gave her an excused absence for that reason. Although she was not too happy with the decision, she was where she needed to be.

I totally understand if schedules do not align and Expo is not possible to attend. Family, crops, and farming need to come before Expo. Duane and I spent many years at home when our schedules did not allow us to attend.

I also understand that there are years it does not work out. Maybe crowds are not your thing and you would rather be on the tractor, maybe it does not work into the budget this year, or maybe you are already filled to the brim with goodness and do not have room for anymore dairy deliciousness.

Whatever the reason, it is okay. The great thing about dairy farming is that we are independent business owners and we can make individual decisions that align with our operations. Expo is not the balance of your success.

I know that for me, Expo is one of those places that fills my heart with friends and cows and overwhelms my taste buds with so many scrumptious dairy products. I hope to see you soon at the ice cream booth.