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Tara Bohnert

CowManager, the proven cow monitoring system that provides information about fertility, health, transition and nutrition, is pleased to welcome Tara Bohnert to its team as a Performance Specialist. In this new role, Bohnert will partner with producers to optimize herd management and improve dairy operation success, using data proven to drive results.

“Tara’s dairy farm background, professional experiences and passion for the industry make her a great addition to our team,” said Jared Krull, Vice President of U.S. Sales and Service at CowManager USA, Inc. “Her ability to connect with producers and implement smart strategies to improve herd performance align with our mission to help producers work more efficiently and effectively. With a tenacious work ethic and extensive network, Tara has already hit the ground running and is having an immediate impact on our business.”

Raised on a farm in central Illinois, Bohnert purchased her first cow as a 4-H project in the 1980s, eventually building a 600-head registered Jersey herd. She holds a bachelor's degree in animal science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and has more than 20 years of global agricultural experience focused on helping producers identify opportunities to improve performance and profits.

“I look forward to helping producers leverage CowManager’s real-time herd monitoring technology and our extensive data to make more informed decisions, improve herd health and boost profitability,” said Bohnert. “I’m excited to be a part of the team and provide insightful solutions to U.S. dairy producers.”

For more information on CowManager, contact a CowManager Specialist at Select Sires and visit