Features anatomy; claw trimming techniques; causes of lameness; footbaths; monitoring lameness; trimming-facility planning and more. This book can be purchased as a PDF format file. The PDF file is Bookmarked and Searchable. To open, view and print the file, you must have the third party software Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. After you purchase the PDF of this title, we will email you instructions on how to download the file. We recommend that you create a special folder for your PDF book and download the file to that folder. The time it will take you to download the PDF file depends on the type of internet connection you have and the size of the book. This could take from 30 minutes (28.8K connection speed) to less than 3 minutes (T1/Cable/DSL). The PDF file will not be emailed to you. The purchase of PDF books is only available through the Bookstore at www.hoards.com or by fax with a valid credit card and email. We cannot accept checks or purchase orders. Orders are processed daily between 8 a.m. and noon Central Standard Time, Monday through Friday, excluding major US holidays. Orders received between these hours will be available that same day. You will be emailed instructions about how to download your PDF book, and you must download the PDF within 14 days of this notification. All content of a purchased PDF is copyrighted, the same as a physical copy of the book. Substantial or systematic reproduction of the PDF is not permitted. Nor is distributing or posting the PDF file without permission from W. D. Hoard & Sons Company. You may print a single copy of the purchased PDF solely for your personal, noncommercial use. Kindly direct any questions to Elvira Kau, Book Editor, hdbooks@hoards.com