Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Nov. 23 2022
If you haven’t signed up for the Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) program for 2023, you may want to rethink that position. That’s because dairy markets continue to be among the most volatile in...
Nov. 23 2022
As U.S. holiday bakers head to the supermarkets in search for staple ingredients to whip up their favorite festive cookies, they may find butter prices on the rise. Butter prices around the globe
Nov. 15 2022
Manure application is often a race against the clock. With a limited window of time in the spring or fall, there aren’t always enough days suitable for application to empty manure storages.Plus,...
Nov. 15 2022
Our dairy industry provides a bounty of learning moments in life. My dairy journey started out as a youth in Florida, and it grew further while a student at the University of Florida. After graduation
Nov. 15 2022
The grocery world received a shock last month when Kroger and Albertsons Companies, the two largest supermarket operators in the country, announced they were merging. Over the last four weeks, that ag
Nov. 15 2022
As a dairy farmer, the phrase “we are a factory farm” is probably a phrase that no one has a desire to utter. However, during the October 12, 2022, Hoard’s Dairyman DairyLivestream, Colorado...
Nov. 10 2022
Preventing disease is kind of like balancing a seesaw. On one side is limiting an animal’s exposure to factors that might cause it illness, whether that is sick herdmates or environmental shortfalls
Nov. 10 2022
One quick glance is usually all it takes to distinguish the difference between colostrum and milk; the consistency and color of colostrum typically give it away. However, we know that this first secre
Nov. 10 2022
Consider for a moment the total dollars of investment you are trusting to your feeders to correctly implement toward the feeding of your cows. Feed has always been a big part of the total variable cos
Nov. 10 2022
Enhanced by historically high spot butter prices, butterfat notched its fifth straight monthly record in producer milk checks. October’s butterfat price was $3.6557 per pound. That was nearly 8 cent
Nov. 2 2022
Drainage water management is a conservation practice that can help reduce nitrogen (N) losses in tile drainage from crop fields. Drainage water management, also known as controlled drainage, has been
Nov. 2 2022
Respiratory disease has consistently been one of the top two causes of both illness and death in preweaned and postweaned dairy calves for decades. Perhaps more than any other calfhood disease, an ani
Nov. 2 2022
The word sustainability comes with many definitions. Right now, in agriculture and food manufacturing, the focus is on protecting natural resources and reducing greenhouse gases. These are honorable a
Nov. 2 2022
Diesel is the fuel of both business and commerce. The question is, “Will the U.S. have enough of this all-important fuel?”In late October, National Economic Council Director Brian Deese commented
Oct. 27 2022
Corn silage harvest is often a waiting game, as farmers carefully watch whole plant moisture in an effort to chop corn at the ideal dry matter level. The general goal is to ensile feed that is at 65%
Oct. 27 2022
As unpredictable as any day on a dairy farm can be, there are a few things that we can typically count on happening. Because of the changes a cow’s body goes through around calving and the transitio
Oct. 27 2022
“First of all, sustainable is a pretty big word; it means a lot of different things,” Cornell’s Chris Wolf said in introduction to his answer regarding how consumers understand sustainability...
Oct. 27 2022
“The NMPF board unanimously passed a federal order modernization plan yesterday that we can take to USDA and hopefully get passed,” stated Randy Mooney on Tuesday, October 25, 2022. “Dairy...
Oct. 20 2022
A new trend is pouring out of the United Kingdom.Teenagers, apparently concerned about the earth’s environment, have decided that “milk pours” are the answer to climate change. On October...
Oct. 20 2022
One of manure’s greatest challenges is its sheer volume; one dairy cow alone can produce 14 gallons or more of manure and urine each day
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