Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
April 13 2023
“Events that happen halfway around the world matter to you,” stated Josh Linville at the 99th USDA Agricultural Outlook Forum with the “you” being U.S. farmers and those who work...
April 6 2023
When Cornell University’s Daryl Nydam’s father was a practicing veterinarian, he was at the forefront of the industry recommendation that farms should dry treat every quarter of every cow
April 6 2023
Breeding heifers to calve in around 2 years old puts them on a productive track to begin paying off the costs of their rearing and avoid mounting up additional expenses while they remain open
April 6 2023
As 2022 came to a close, dairy commodity values were declining quickly, pulled lower by both a recovery in milk supply and weakening demand
April 6 2023
A record 9 million units of beef semen were sold to U.S. dairy farmers and cattle ranchers last year. This is an impressive number considering that sales stood at what was at that time a record 2.5 million...
March 30 2023
Cows grazing on green grass in front of a picturesque barn can still be found on some dairy advertisements even though it’s true for fewer of today’s dairy farms. But Jason Cavadini thinks...
March 30 2023
Three years have passed since the COVID-19 pandemic began, but there has been a very clear lesson learned regarding the need for risk management. While the tools used from one farm to the next may be different,...
March 30 2023
Recent USDA estimates show a decline in net farm income in the year ahead for most producers, but there is one bright spot. It’s not milk, but it is another commodity that can have an impact on a...
March 30 2023
All bills eventually come due. In the case of Wisconsin and its rural roads, which are the bedrock for the state’s prized agricultural economic engine proclaimed as America’s Dairyland on state-issued...
March 23 2023
When feeding dairy cows, a buffer helps maintain a balanced rumen pH by limiting the effects of excess acid. Outside of the cow, buffers in a farm’s fields serve a similar purpose for the water features...
March 23 2023
Why do milk components matter? During the March Hoard’s Dairyman webinar, the University of Illinois’ Mike Hutjens reviewed several reasons why it pays to improve component production
March 23 2023
Cow sense — it’s a concept one often gleans either growing up on a farm or working on a farm. This cow sense, and ultimately understanding how a cow perceives her environment, is the very core...
March 23 2023
Cost-cutting should always start with the largest expense areas, and on dairies, that’s feed. Reducing expenses in this area has become more complex, though, as the inputs for growing and purchasing...
March 16 2023
A person’s first day on the job can be filled with excitement and enthusiasm about what’s to come. How do you maintain that optimism as they settle into their new role?
March 16 2023
When we are close to something, it can be hard to see it for what it really is — successes and flaws alike — and dairy farmers are even closer to their farms than many other business owners....
March 16 2023
After hearing objections from county constituents and the Wisconsin Milk Haulers Association, the Chippewa County Highway Committee, Chippewa County Board of Supervisors, and the Chippewa County Highway...
March 16 2023
“Milk is not a commodity that can be held. It has to be shipped every other day,” shared Matthew Holub, a Chippewa County dairyman. “It’s right on the license plate of this state....
March 9 2023
A two-day seminar was held recently at a California college titled “Coffee, Tea, and Creamers: The Science and Art of Milk in Beverages.”
March 9 2023
Stewarding the health of their land, water, air, and animals is something dairy farmers have been doing for generations. Putting benchmarks and numbers on those efforts is a much more recent need
March 9 2023
Manure application is a great option for fertilizing crop fields, especially in this era of high commercial fertilizer prices. During the Minnesota Agricultural Water Resource Center’s Nutrient Management...
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