Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
July 14 2014
Let's get rules published on dairy insurance by Corey Geiger, Managing Editor Take a look at the calendar. Exactly 158 days have passed since President Obama signed the farm bill on February 7, 2014. Exactly...
July 7 2014
A part- or full-time summer job and a child's ability to learn financial lessons just might be the best two gifts any parent could give to a son or daughter. That's according to research by Thomas Stanley...
July 7 2014
The price to host a summer picnic will cost you a little more this year than it did last year, thanks to two main culprits: meat and dairy. Smaller beef cattle and hog inventories, coupled with high demand...
July 7 2014
A third year of drought with no end in sight, household wells going dry, and suburban water shortages are turning public sentiment against farmers in the country's biggest agricultural state. Hot and dry...
July 7 2014
America's amber waves of grain will be tinted green for a spell as the largest soybean crop on record went into the ground this spring. Up 11 percent over the year prior, planted soybean acres for 2014...
July 7 2014
For an organization that prides itself on science-based research, the Consumers Union and its widely read Consumer Reports and ShopSmart publications have gotten dairy wrong on a number of occasions over...
June 30 2014
Reader Response: Milk isn't a generic label We as an industry should lobby for not allowing those products to be called milk. See June 23, 2014, Hoard's Dairyman Intel article, "Milk alternatives have...
June 30 2014
by Corey Geiger, Managing Editor The Holstein Association USA will add a new fertility index and a feed efficiency rating to its Total Performance Index (TPI) formula, reported Jonathan Lamb, chairman...
June 30 2014
Even $24 milk prices have failed to cool export demand for U.S. dairy products so far during 2014. China continues to be the biggest driver of that demand and is the reason why the most expensive milk...
June 30 2014
It appears that today's consumers aren't letting their taste buds make all of their food decisions. Instead, it was a variety of health factors that made the top 10 list of nutrition trends that could...
June 30 2014
Stamped on countless labels throughout the grocery store, the term "natural" is often a vague marketing gimmick at best. More than anything, the claim creates mass confusion among U.S. consumers, according...
June 30 2014
"There is no doubt the California drought is adding cost to buying feed," Robert Chesler told those attending the 11th annual INTL FCStone Dairy Outlook Conference. "However, first-cutting alfalfa had...
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