Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
April 10 2023
When it comes to cow health, the transition from the dry period into early lactation is the time period that can bring forth the most complications.
April 10 2023
Financial risk and resiliency are topics on everyone’s mind. These issues leap into the forefront during tax season
April 10 2023
One sweltering summer afternoon, dairyman Ken Smith was stopped at an intersection with a truckload of haylage
April 10 2023
Even with the U.S. All-Milk price averaging above $22 per hundredweight (cwt.) for the first two months of 2023, profitability is suffering for most producers. It turns out that feed costs are largely...
April 10 2023
A healthy body includes healthy teeth, and when it comes to preventing cavities and even building enamel back up in demineralized teeth, plant-based dairy alternatives don’t stack up to milk and...
April 3 2023
It turns out 2022 was a year for the dairy record books as mailbox milk prices posted a record $24.64 per hundredweight (cwt.). That value was 60 cents higher than the previous $24.04 watermark set in...
April 3 2023
Workplace culture, employee engagement, appropriate resources, and supervisor trust are just some of the factors that affect how long people remain at your business and how you retain employees
April 3 2023
This fall the world will be coming to America’s doorstep. And the entire U.S. dairy sector is poised to shine
April 3 2023
New genetic evaluations will be published Tuesday, April 4, for dairy producers to make breeding, culling, and other management decisions with updated predictions of animals’ genetic merit. Nearly...
April 3 2023
In light of the Food and Drug Administration’s disappointing decision to allow dairy alternative beverages to use the term milk in their names and on their labels, it is refreshing to see solid information...
March 27 2023
Where do you turn to improve profitability on your farm? A business has five major “levers” they can pull to be more profitable, said Purdue University’s Brady Brewer during the Professional...
March 27 2023
In a recent publication in the Journal of Dairy Science, a group of scientists from Cornell University highlighted the importance of financial resiliency to manage economic risk in dairy farm businesses
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