Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
May 29 2023
A farm can be a great place to raise children
May 29 2023
When looking at the Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) program from USDA, we see that payments have been triggered for the first three months of 2023
May 29 2023
In a unanimous Supreme Court ruling, the justices on the highest court in the land agreed that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) overstepped its authority in threatening penalties of $40,000 per...
May 28 2023
Research is the engine that drives a dairy farm’s economic possibilities in the ever-growing carbon credit marketplace. This research enhances the ability to sell manure-based products off the farm...
May 22 2023
Selective breeding has delivered benefits that are part of our industry’s rich history of effective farming. These breeding methods have improved productivity while using fewer natural resources
May 22 2023
Food is one of the most personal — not to mention necessary — choices people make each day. What we choose to eat and to feed our families depends on factors including our preferences, culture,...
May 22 2023
Striving to analyze and understand milk price changes, much less projecting future behavior, is an ever-changing exercise
May 22 2023
“Chocolate milk faces potential school ban,” rang out the headlines in the May 16, 2023, edition of The Wall Street Journal
May 19 2023
Possibly the biggest thief of resting time for dairy cows is waiting to be milked
May 15 2023
While dairy product sales have steadily grown over the past several decades, fluid milk consumption has dropped repeatedly
May 15 2023
Food is the most basic of human needs, and for generations, farmers have filled that need for nourishment
May 15 2023
Benefits of robotic milking systems often include lower labor needs, calmer cows, and greater milking frequency and yield
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